Will India and China will always have a bigger economy going forward?
question yet hard answer. india , china appear @ each other's throat in go after global manufacturing base because both have system not have pay workers yet both have huge bucket of educated work force in manufacturing, technical , in electronics , both countries putting out more engineers other country in world. china first pass economically. gnp of $14 trillion dollars each year usa , $4trillion china. know seems large difference chinese growing @ 12% of past year , usa shrank 2.4% in terms of growth rate. see both china , india change form of government not. both economies @ least 10 years off @ catching usa........but can happen , long usa keeps regulations on manufacturers , high taxes on manufactures , businesses don't see usa growing see other 2 countries growing economically.
each country has 1 billion population , there endless workforce..
@ current rate of growth of 9-10%, both surpass in few decades..
both lead world "forever" because of huge size??
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