1997 Subaru Legacy Outback possible Head Gasket problem?

have 1997 subaru legacy outback 130,000 miles. had radiator replaced (unknown me, previous owners had jb welded crack , bit dust) , repair shop took telling me head gaskets need replaced. talked stepfather mechanic , said if there isn't oil in radiator,antifreeze in oil, or antifreeze smell coming out exhaust, wouldn't gaskets.
shop telling me engine forcing air radiator , making overheat, there isn't oil in radiator or in oil. possible thermostat broken, or need shell out money head gaskets replaced?

i have 1997 subaru legacy outback 130,000 miles. had radiator replaced (unknown me, previous owners had jb welded crack , bit dust) , repair shop took telling me head gaskets need replaced. talked stepfather mechanic...

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