History of the radio and its effect on cultural history?

first voice radio station went on air in 1909 broadcasting corner of first , san fernando streets in san jose, ca. system worked, not well. dr. herrold built station became first radio disc jockey playing records local store. made station commercial plugging store in exchange records. advertising key cultural history of radio. in beginning, advertising, not trade out dr. herrold had going, actual commercials, frowned upon. stations owned makers of radios. theory stations kept on air funds made selling radios. didn't work. weaf in new york city station broadcast first commercial. kdka in pittsburgh, pa, owned westinghouse, firs station support selling commercial time.

during great depression, radio godsend. provided virtually free entertainment. of types. there cop shows, horror shows, dramas, comedies, newscasts , every type of show that's been on tv. there ventriloquist, edgar bergen, makes no sense @ since audience couldn't see dummies , on. nbc put nbc symphony orchestra conducted arturo toscanini. still on air today saturday matinee of metropolitan opera. it's been on air on 65 years. 1 of famous shows of time amos , andy. popular, stores put radios on street pedestrians wouldn't miss it. movie theaters stop show , play amos , andy. show group of african americans played white actors, forced off air because people thought racist. was.

famous single broadcast of time orson wells' production of war of worlds. went on air october 30, 1938. through realistic news bulletins , "one spot" interviews, people convinced earth being attacked mars. people boarded homes , armed themselves. some, unhinged already, committed suicide wouldn't fall martians. several laws made because of this.

fm introduced in 1934, did not become common until after wwii because sets expensive , depression, people couldn't afford them. after war, superior audio quality of fm, , development of stereo broadcasting, fm became medium hearing music. speech, sports, news , such went on since quality of sound not important telephone talk shows , like.

radio way people kept in contact happenings during wwii. people on home front hear happening husbands, sons , friends announcement of pearl harbor japanese surrender. armed forces radio kept troops entertained , informed of going on @ home. hitler , nazis used radio spread propaganda kept war going strong in many cases. both germany , japan had english language broadcasts designed undermine morale of allied troops. didn't work much.

after wwii, television took on prime medium dramatic types of shows. radio stayed on doing them 1950s in us, shows love lucy , gunsmoke continued on both media several years. when fm took off. people listen favorite music in cars , @ home , hear more faithful reproduction of classical music rock , country. in order continue making money, stations began broadcasting present menu of talk shows. have heard no evidence on subject, might radio broadcasters such michael savage , rush limbaugh may have spawned ultra conservative wave because of radio broadcasts.

1 huge aspect of radio's effect on our culture advertising. there public radio , sirius satellite radio, commercial broadcasting far commonly listened to. advertising pays bills. advertising on radio makes people rich. advertising works. if didn't, companies such ford, proctor , gamble, companies make health products , such not spend billions of dollars producing radio commercials , buying time on stations air them.

sketchy , poorly written, radio has been on air 101 years. in time, must have had cultural impact.

way, first station 1909 still on air. kcbs in san francisco. moved san francisco san jose because knew san jose never large enough support major radio station. san jose has 250,000 more people san francisco. oh well.

i wondering if knew history of radio , effect has had on cultural history beginning till now. thanks. :)

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