What age a kid develops his art skills?
it's question. depends on skills mean. son, artist (aged 23) had visual memory when 3. wouldn't have called him artist then, childish drawings revealed maturity. had depth perception , realized far away smaller. don't know are, if you're in us, state's educational standards fine arts on internet , see young children taught. give idea of educators think should learning @ different ages. kid in australia, if work aesthetically pleasing , people it, he's artist. art in eye of beholder, , there fads, in thing else. there's little girl in la paints huge pictures of flowers -- sort of mixture of gaugin , georgia o'keefe. stuff selling thousands.
there's 2 year old little child in australia, called aelita andre, parents , media call artist. me, fake. need theories prove when kid develops art skills or artistic perception. need facts, not more examples.
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