Why are there sculptures of Jesus in some churches?

know, when kid, in 6th grade, rode on schoolbus girl pentacostal. asked me religion , told raised jewish. said "oh, know jews. worship statues." tried set straight on that, apparently she'd heard minister, why believe lying jew on schoolbus? 8^)

years later realized mistake she'd made. after college had fundamentalist girlfriend , went bible study few times (which was, sadly, take). heard same remark, time catholics.

, understood it. catholics have saints. protestants think saints wicked demons, false gods. it's idolatry believe in saints, (some) protestants believe, , making statues of them throwback age of idols. schoolbus friend got 'other religions' mixed up. apparently christian children taught 'comparative religion' in sunday school, hear great nuggets of truth one.

real truth, don't think has believe. people -believe- visualize beliefs. think gods them--for instance europeans paint jesus european, while africans see him being black. adoration of saints understandable me. though i'm not catholic , don't believe in saints, understand purpose of them.

, these people 'idolators' 'graven images', there people believe god unseeable spiritual force lives in corner of bedroom ceiling. (cs lewis said this. thought good.)

and people tend worship sculptures, isn't worshiping idols, why people need image of satisfied, think religion has taken far.

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