What are your suggestions for the development of India?

development in india can in 3 of following sphere:
i. economy:
india should declare emergency in economy , govt should acquire adequate power
(a) declare current 1000 rs , 500 rs notes invalid time bound exchange proper account showing way 1 has in posses ion of 1000/500 rs notes
(b) govt can ask public declare unaccounted properties , liquid cash giving time , giving chance re-cashing out penalty.after given time, undeclared property/cash should ceased govt. in regard govt. give commission informers regarding properties/cash undisclosed.

(c) govt should collect fee public keeps money in bank, instead of paying interest bu banks. govt should limit holding limit of cash individual.

(d) govt should collect direct taxes it's public pan number wise

ii political

achieve mile stone of development in field first politics must reformed introducing 2 party systems in india

major parties stakes/claims on india considering votes polled in given election should recognised , others should recognised existence.

33% of reservation absolutely dangerous indian culture, asking house wives amerind politicians getting seats in coming elections. modesty of women become mockery. present great women leaders have not enjoyed reservation anywhere. if worth leaders no 1 can stop like, indiraji,soniaji,jayalalithaji , mayawathi. creating 33% reservation idea make upside down regard indian women culture.

iii society:

govt. should remove cast wise/religiousness reservations. introduce reservation income factor.

Politics & Government Politics Next


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