Will I be extradited back to the United States in this case?

make long story short, native of south africa, family brought me united states in 1991 when 3 years old escape apartheid lasted until 1994 there. parents returned there 3 years ago when 19, , member of family remaining here. country, definitly land of oppurtunity, home country free , more safe want return, have inherited large amount of money grandfather , in south africa, can live off interest. (this money in bank account in south africa)

problem supposed start serving 90 day jail sentence in september assault , battery charge. received inheritence 2 months ago, , quit job , have been living on thru bank wires while planning trip home. origionally going in october when starts cold, since live in furnished apartment , there's not move other myself, i'm thinking of going in few weeks.

fortune (1.9m usd) not discovered during court proceedings , passport not revoked. guess didn't expect person serving simple 90 days in county jail make run out different country.

on such minor crime, going spend time , effort , tax money bringing me way back?

to make long story short, native of south africa, family brought me united states in 1991 when 3 years old escape apartheid lasted until 1994 there. parents returned there 3 years ago when 19, , member of family remaining here. very...

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