Exact distance between Midtown and Downtown manahattan?
is not easy answer think. there no official line saying midtown starts or downtown starts. in fact, "downtown" collection of neighborhoods, include financial district , city hall (both areas many office buildings) includes village (which residential , small businesses.)
, being "tough people commute", why should be? work in financial district (which part of downtown) commute financial district. work in midtown commute midtown. few people live in same neighborhood work in in nyc. , subways efficient, particularly in manhattan. don't see problem be.
how far apart 2 business areas (i'm assuming midtown financial district) approximately 2 or 2 , half miles apart.
answer question?
what exact distance between southern border of midtown , northern border of downtown manhattan?
, why there 2 separate major sections far apart?
doesn't make tough people commute?
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