Which relies more on 'common sense' - science or philosophy?

philosopher adopts attitude of doubting can doubted, leading thing cannot doubted 'i think therefore am'. else fallacy, dream, imagination...

scientist, however, adopts many 'common sense' beliefs. when @ sky, don't question 'is sky there?', when read temperature on thermometer don't question 'do eyes see else sees?' when come theory, don't ask 'how did upbringing contribute believe true theory?'

scientists make many common sense assumptions day long - in fact, there no such thing science if didn't rely on imperfect human senses, ideological human thinking , 'unscientific' common sense.

more rigorous, science or philosophy?

, science anywhere near 'scientific' we'd believe is? :-)

the philosopher adopts attitude of doubting can doubted, leading thing cannot doubted 'i think therefore am'. else fallacy, dream, imagination... scientist, however, adopts many 'common sense' beliefs. when at...

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