How is the income tax NOT a violation of natural rights?

virtue of self-ownership, our labor belongs us; therefore product of our labor (our property) belongs us. valid conclusion consistent principle of self-ownership.

if man owns labor, slave. logic simple.

income tax assumes government owns part of labor. how not violation of our natural rights life, liberty, , property?

have right life because own myself, , therefore have rightful authority on life (since own property)

have right liberty because own property , may use myself in manner see fit, extent not violate self-ownership (natural rights) of others

have right property (to acquire property) because own labor, virtue of me owning myself, , therefore own product of labor.

by virtue of self-ownership, our labor belongs us; therefore product of our labor (our property) belongs us. valid conclusion consistent principle of self-ownership. if man owns labor, slave. logic that...

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