I own a nissan maxima 2005 and i am having trouble when it changes to second gear?

maxima uses same 5 speed automatic volvo saturn , toyota senena mini van. must keep clean fluid in trans because runs hot. after have trans rebuilt @ transmission shop , e-prom re-set ok. job $5,000 replace nissan remanufactured gear box @ nissan dealer. ask around find best transmission rebuilder toyota, volvo, nissan , saturn 5 speed experence. ask owners names , phone numbers check shop out. don't forget e-prom relearn too. may find shop knows it. time not cheap. slipping in gear either pressure related or worn out clutch packs. codes stored in transmission memory may miss leading. careful maxima.

i own nissan maxima 2005 , having problems when drive long time in city transmission puts in second gear hard , loses gear think might problem 1 tof sensors. know sensor causing problem?

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