What Cal states have services for disabled students?
california state university @ fullerton have services disabled students. services appear include following:
in compliance csu policy, students disabilities may found eligible 1 or more of following services dss:
diagnostic assessment, including both individual , group assessment not otherwise provided institution, determine educational functioning or verify specific disabilities; disability-related counseling , advising, including specialized academic, vocational, personal , peer counseling developed students disabilities , not duplicated regular counseling , advisement services available students; interpreter services, including manual, steno , oral interpreting hearing-impaired students; reader services coordinate , provide access information required equitable academic participation, if access not available in other suitable modes; test-taking facilitation, including adapting tests , proctoring tests taken students disabilities; transcription services, such providing braille , large print materials not available through other sources; note taker services writing, note-taking, , manual manipulation classroom , related academic activities; access to, , arrangements for, adaptive educational equipment , technology, materials , supplies; liaisons campus , community agencies, including referral , follow-up services these agencies on behalf of students disabilities; on-campus , off-campus registration assistance, including priority registration, assistance applications financial aid , related college services; disabled person (dp) parking, including on-campus parking registration, temporary parking permit arrangements, , application assistance students not have state disabled person placards or license plates; access computer access lab specially designed hardware , software accommodate various disabilities; activities coordinate , administer specialized services, including consultation faculty students special academic needs associated disabilities; activities assess planning, implementation , effectiveness of these services , programs; activities increase general campus awareness of students disabilities.
other california state universities have services disabled students include following:
services provided system-wide allow students participate in full range of campus programs , activities. of services include readers, note takers, sign language interpreters, transcription services, test-taking assistance, mobility assistance , orientation campus facilities, registration assistance, special parking, specialized tutoring, disability-related counseling, , special equipment , materials. csu students verified disabilities eligible receive services.
i looking @ cal state colleges , have narrowed down sonoma, monterey bay, humboldt, , east bay, have high functioning autism. not interfere much, think enough of 1 me focus on finding college disabled student service. thank you.
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