Questions about design portfolios and university courses...?

i'm in final year @ polytechnic in sg , looking @ courses have significant interest in uni. thing degree in visual commnuications in ntu or other design/grapic design courses overseas unis, require portfolio , i've not idea how start. :c have few questions:
1) art pieces done hand allowed or prefer digital art done in photoshop? because i'm still noob @ photoshop whereas artwork done hand better me.
2) no offence but...i've heard lot of people(namely friends/family...etc) telling me pursuing art/design in sg chasing after flying bar of soap, hard make living out of design here unless you're amongst very, best?
3)do need degree in design or should go doing less 'risky' such writing/business advertising/marketing courses , pursue design later? :s
much, i'd appreciate i'm in dilemna on after graduate , there's seemingly little time.

i'm in final year @ polytechnic in sg , looking @ courses have significant interest in uni. thing degree in visual commnuications in ntu or other design/grapic design courses overseas unis, require portfolio , i've not idea how start. :c i...

Arts & Humanities Visual Arts Other - Visual Arts Next


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