Can you get financial aid when your student loans are in default?

yes still same. not able financial aid.

eligible receive federal student aid?

receive federal student aid, must meet requirements. must:

u.s. citizen or eligible noncitizen.
have valid social security number (unless you’re republic of marshall islands, federated states of micronesia, or republic of palau).
registered selective service if male , 18 25 years of age (go more information).
have high school diploma or general education development (ged) certificate or pass exam approved u.s. department of education.
enrolled or accepted enrollment regular student working toward degree or certificate in eligible program @ school participates in federal student aid programs.
not have drug conviction offense occurred while receiving federal student aid (such grants, loans, or work-study).

must not owe refund on federal grant or in default on federal student loan.
must demonstrate financial need (except unsubsidized stafford loans).

i have student loans in default , know be4 not financial aid when did. know somethings have changed has part changed or still same?

Education & Reference Financial Aid Next


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