The major political parties in the United States obtain most of their national campaign funds from?

major political parties in united states obtain of national campaign funds from...
a. personal fortunes of candidates.
b. state , local taxes.
c. funds appropriated congress.
d. contributions of individuals , special-interest groups.

major role of political parties in united states to...
a. protect american public corrupt public officials.
b. insure free , honest elections held.
c. nominate candidates public office , conduct campaigns.
d. meet constitutional requirements choosing president.

14th amendment provides "no state shall deprive person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law, nor deny person within jurisdiction equal protection of laws." direct result of amendment that...
a. process of amending constitution became slower , more complex.
b. guarantees in bill of rights applied state actions.
c. every citizen gained absolute right freedom of speech , assembly.
d. power of federal government sharply reduced.

the major political parties in united states obtain of national campaign funds from... a. personal fortunes of candidates. b. state , local taxes. c. funds appropriated congress. d. contributions of individuals , special-interest groups. major role of political parties...

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