What is philosophy ? what are its advantages ?

philosophy love wisdom. philosophy defines our humanity in terms of questioning.
helps think in more logical , ethical way.
, see thing in more concrete way.
it's not merely common sense thinking , seeing things our mind.

subjects of philosophy:
1. logic
2. metaphysics
3. theology
4. ethics
5. rational psychology
6. epistemology
7.social philosoy


philosophy can divided 5 branches address following questions:

metaphysics: study of existence: what's out there?
epistemology: study of knowledge: how know it?
ethics: study of action: should do?
politics: study of force: actions permissible?
esthetics: study of art: can life like?

i know kinda basic question can u give me intelligent definition of philosophy ? , purpose , advantages ? , of subjects philosophy studies ?

Arts & Humanities Philosophy Next


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