Would you want to live in a country that wasn't part socialist? I wouldn't stay in the U.S. if it weren't part?
yes. society has right , responsibility regulate access commons, , prevent privatization of commons.
commons traditionally defined elements of environment - forests, atmosphere, rivers, fisheries or grazing land - share. these tangible , intangible aspects of environment no-one owns enjoys.
there other conceptions of commons. today, commons need understood within cultural sphere well. commons within sphere include literature, music, performing arts, visual arts, design, film, video, television, radio, community arts , sites of heritage. commons can include ‘public goods’ such public space, public education, health , infrastructure allows our society function (such electricity or water delivery systems). there exists ‘life commons’ – human genome makes unique species. though central government may ‘manage’ these, realistically have inherited them , governing body holds them in trust public future generations.
commons can include areas of human relationships such need safety, trust, cooperation, shared intellect , on. these aspects of culture our society shares , promotes more functioning community.
socialist right ! lose stuff !
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