A drink in the passage , what do the issues of the sculpture competetion and simelane's visit to van rensburg'?

story set in 1960 during apartheid in south africa. in 1960, union of south africa celebrated golden jubilee. when talented black man, edward simelane, won thousand pound prize best sculpture, african mother , child, caused sensation. no blacks supposed have been allowed participate. simelane's entry had been "by mistake."

@ time blacks , whites separated, simelane takes chance when accepts white man's offer drink. cannot allowed enter white man's apartment. must drink in hallway ('the passage').

way of averting national crisis @ time winner not show up. attend ceremony accept award make him 'demonstrator' rather sculptor. goes see own sculpture on display in window, can admire without 1 knowing created it, meets white man. simelane never lets him know sculptor.

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