Dont tax paying citizens of Usa and Britain feel bad about this?

britain , usa have been giving money pakistan "combat terrorism".i read hillary clinton making donation of 500 million dollars.i read sometime gordon brown (ex pm of uk) had donated few million pounds paki govt.

tax payers money going pockets of these power hungry politicians,taliban , other bunch of uneducated bankrupt souls.(im not making accusations or expressing feelings , pakistani politicians have proven track corruption , bribery, prime example being president zardari aka mr 10 % )

plus how these 2 countries monitor usage of these funds , accounts available general public.
surely global meltdown, 500 $ million have been used create jobs,increase industrial output etc rather stupid diplomatic crap.

pakistani politicians country victim of terrorists violence india,usa victim of terrorists have created(breeding ground taliban)

britain , usa have been giving money pakistan "combat terrorism".i read hillary clinton making donation of 500 million dollars.i read sometime gordon brown (ex pm of uk) had donated few million pounds paki govt. tax payers money going the...

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