Is this considered Separation of Church and State OR No government interference with freedom of religion?

catholics start using new missal next year

catholics in united states begin using long awaited english translation of roman missal on first sunday of advent next year. setting missal's debut november 27, 2011, gives publishers time prepare taxes , american dioceses , parishes time educate members, said cardinal francis george, archbishop of chicago , president of united states conference of catholic bishops. new text missal, guides catholics through prayers of mass, approved vatican in june. in july, additional prayers approved rites, such renewal of baptismal promises on easter, , celebrations specific united states including thanksgiving , independence day.

catholics start using new missal next year catholics in united states begin using long awaited english translation of roman missal on first sunday of advent next year. setting missal's debut november 27, 2011, gives publishers time prepare taxes , american dioceses and...

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