Which would be better?
daily drive require 2 hours working part time job or doing homework. also, expense gasoline can estimated $10 $15 dollars day, or around $150 per month. not incllude costs associated wear , tear on car.
if assign value time of $10 per hour, add around $250 per month.
can impute cost of commuting $400 ($150 + $250) per month.
can campus dorm less $400 per month? , fair, if dorm, should part time job (20 - 30 hours per month) offset expense , balance equation.
let know decide do. luck.
so when start college, going 3 days week, monday, wednesday , friday 9:20 3:47 pm. plan on commuting, , live approx. 55 minutes away college. think of hassle drive there or should try dorm on campus?
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