Is the RootsMagic genealogy program designed only for PC use or will it also work with a Mac computer?

rootsmagic windows program , not run natively on mac. many mac users run rootsmagic using windows emulators on mac. windows emulator lets run windows , windows programs on mac. popular emulators parallels , fusion let run rootsmagic in windows window @ same time mac programs (no having reboot).

following either mac or have versions mac.

family tree maker mac – it’s
april 28, 2010 admin • leave comment has officially announced today bringing family tree maker 2010 mac os x. yes, family tree maker going once again grace apple’s macintosh lineup, time os unix-based , family tree maker not being published broderbund. it’s been on decade since version of family tree maker built mac has graced our hard drives. pretend shock , surprise, tipped off prior today. admit skeptical, due’s tree-to-go software iphone/ipad. can said available later year , it’ll built on functionality of family tree maker 2010.

reunion genealogy software program — "family tree program" — macintosh.
reunion received highest rating genealogy software in macworld, macaddict, , mac home journal magazines. reunion received macworld editor's choice award.
reunion helps document, store, , display information family — ancestors, descendants, cousins, etc. records names, dates, places, facts, plenty of notes, sources of information, pictures, sounds, , videos. shows family relationships in elegant, graphic form — people , families linked in easy-to-understand fashion.
reunion makes easy publish family tree information — if want share on web or carry on iphone or ipod touch. can automatically create common genealogy reports, charts, , forms, birthday calendars, mailing lists, questionnaires, indexes, , other lists. reunion creates slideshows, calculates relationships, ages, life expectancies, , statistics.

reunion creates large, graphic tree charts allowing complete on-screen editing of boxes, lines, fonts, , colors. wall charts family reunions 1 of specialties

legacy family tree {]
of prefer use mac or have friends can't use legacy because use mac there news. version has been loaded onto imac running snow leopard operating system 10.6 using wine windows emulator version 1.1.44. appears work perfectly. requirement needed change default path web browser internet explorer within wine set up.

read other genealogy software mac here:

does require windows software?

Arts & Humanities Genealogy Next


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