"Researchers Trace the Human Family Back 7 Million Years" Any Mormon genealogy freaks see latest Smithsonian?
holy fervent mormon genealogy freaks interested in march issue of smithsonian magazine?
although article mentions hominid species went extinct, includes oldest far known (partial) human ancestor skeleton. ardipithicus ramidus, nicknamed ardi, lived on 4 million years back...
mormon genealogists interested in article, november issue of scientific american, article in national geographic http://ngm.nationalgeographic.com/human-... , on discovery channel?
what? oh mormons trace genealogy jesus , no further?
then, other religious genealogy aficionados? of them interested in these articles? baptists maybe? others?
. holy fervent mormon genealogy freaks interested in march issue of smithsonian magazine? although article mentions hominid species went extinct, includes oldest far known (partial) human ancestor skeleton. ardipithicus ramidus, nicknamed ardi, lived on four...
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