Why is religious history not recorded in world history books?

statement factually inaccurate.

religion recorded in history books, since world exalts man , focuses upon man , religion nominally seeks shift attention god, downplayed , given subsidiary place in history.

may lie behind question why there few historical references jesus christ.

because jesus christ god's word mankind , not received or recognised enemies.

put way, god not leave man vital importance of record of son. sealed god's word , not man's.

if receive witness of men, witness of god greater: witness of god hath testified of son.
believeth on son of god hath witness in himself: believeth not god hath made him liar; because believeth not record god gave of son.
, record, god hath given eternal life, , life in son.
hath son hath life; , hath not son of god hath not life.

sounds if world history never knew call religious history

why that?

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