Why govt. of India spends tax payers's money on funding madarsas?

seeking guidance darul uloom, deoband, person asks: “is halaal take policy in lic according sharia’h in islam?” learned muftis answer: “lic policy unlawful due being based on interest , gambling.” (fatwa: 565/565/m=1431) person seeking enlightenment writes in: “at present working in private limited company accountant. want know bank jobs. can muslim take job in bank or insurance company?” scholars provide considered reply: “the job of writing , calculating interest based work in conventional banks , insurance companies not lawful muslim.” (fatwa: 466/466/m=1431) “dear mufti sahab,” person wants further clarification writes, “is allowed in islam work life insurance agent?” firm , unrelenting, mufti sahab sternly replies: “life insurance contains interest gambling , both these things unlawful per quran , hadith. therefore, working agent of life insurance helping in sin, prohibited sharia’h.”(fatwa: 762/571=l/1430)

faced court order, person seeks guidance: “i had factory closed down because of sealing in delhi. court has ordered me pay compensation (on have charged interest) non-muslim labourers worked there. since financial position not good, ask whether can pay amount bank interest has accumulated in bank account or out of zakaat?” profound query muftis reply: “interest amount of bank or zakaat cannot given non-muslim labourers.” (fatwa: 1178/1178=m/1430)

such views of darul uloom, deoband, assiduously inculcated among study there. these views propagated @ tens of thousands of madarsas deobandi mullahs employed teach young children. worthwhile remember government of secular india spends taxpayers’ money on funding these madarsas.

seeking guidance darul uloom, deoband, person asks: “is halaal take policy in lic according sharia’h in islam?” learned muftis answer: “lic policy unlawful due being based on interest , gambling.” (fatwa: 565/565/m=1431) person seeking enlightenment writes in: “at present am...

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