Do you know where your tax dollars for illegal aliens go?
taxes go - illegal aliens
attributed la times, june 2002:
1. 40% of workers in l.a. county (l.a. county has 10 million people) working cash , not paying taxes. because predominantly illegal immigrants, working without green card.
2. 95% of warrants murder in los angeles illegal aliens.
3. 75% of people on wanted list in los angeles illegal aliens.
4. on 2/3's of births in los angeles county illegal alien mexicans on medi-cal births paid taxpayers.
5. 25% of inmates in california detention centers mexican nationals here illegally.
6. on 300,000 illegal aliens in los angeles county living in garages.
7. fbi reports half of gang members in los angeles illegal aliens south of border.
8. 60% of occupants of hud properties illegal.
9. 21 radio stations in l.a. spanish speaking.
10. in l.a.county 5.1 million people speak english. 3.9 million speak spanish (10.2 million people in l.a.county).
(all 10 los angeles times)
less 2% of illegal aliens picking our crops 29% on welfare. see...
on 70% of united states annual population growth (and on 90% of california, florida, , new york) results immigration.
cost of illegal immigration american taxpayer in 1997 net (after subtracting taxes immigrants pay) $70 billion year, [professor donald huddle, rice university].
lifetime fiscal impact (taxes paid minus services used) average adult mexican immigrant negative.
29% of inmates in federal prisons illegal aliens. taxes go - illegal aliens attributed la times, june 2002: 1. 40% of workers in l.a. county (l.a. county has 10 million people) working cash , not paying taxes. because predominantly illegal immigrants,...
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