Is it ethical for a hospice company to do a promotion for a funeral home chain?
hospice , funeral home separate companies no common interests.
funeral home provides "counselor" free of service hospice clients , end of life memory project/collage kind of thing. pictures, newspapers, collages - client gets make little display shown @ memorial life affirmation.
it's optional program that's being touted special service hospice marketing purposes , no financial kickback funeral home chain. hospice , counselor not actively push funeral home, of course name out there , hope generate few leads chain. hospice claims since families , clients have hard time discussing subject of selecting funeral home, opportunity bring , them make choice.
ethical? how feel funeral home sponsoring services hospice should providing in order generate business?
the hospice , funeral home separate companies no common interests. funeral home provides "counselor" free of service hospice clients , end of life memory project/collage kind of thing. pictures, newspapers, collages - client gets make a...
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