Whats the difference between...?

apollo (apollonian or apollinian): dream state or wish create order, principium individuationis (principle of individuation), plastic (visual) arts, beauty, clarity, stint formed boundaries, individuality, celebration of appearance/illusion, human beings artists (or media of art's manifestation), self-control, perfection, exhaustion of possibilities, creation, rational/logical , reasonable.

dionysus (dionysian): chaos, intoxication, celebration of nature, instinctual, intuitive, pertaining sensation of pleasure or pain, individuality dissolved , hence destroyed, wholeness of existence, orgiastic passion, dissolution of boundaries, excess, human being(s) work , glorification of art, destruction, irrational , non-logical.

relationship between apollonian , dionysian juxtapositions apparent, nietzsche claimed in birth of tragedy, in interplay of greek tragedy: tragic hero of drama, main protagonist, struggles make order (in apollonian sense) of unjust , chaotic (dionysian) fate, though dies unfulfilled in end. audience of such drama, nietzsche claimed, tragedy allows sense underlying essence, called "primordial unity", revives our dionysian nature - indescribably pleasurable. though later dropped concept saying “...burdened errors of youth” (attempt @ self criticism, §2), overarching theme sort of metaphysical solace or connection heart of creation, speak.

dionysian art , apollonian art? i've been reading nietzsche , talks 2 forms of art lot, i'm not sure , distinction between them. kind clarify?

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