Why are they so racist against immigrants?

proud hispanic , hurts me see hatred people pour out against mexicans, specific. law "if hispanic, arrest them..." dumb because there canadian, cuban, african, european, asian , more immigrants!!! angers me people forget happened in 1950's , 60's. remember yesterday seeing african american man insulting mexican. seems forgot how many people of color beaten because of racism. not hate group, love whites, blacks, mexicans, etc. love everyone, bible commands do. me, difference "color". there not excuse hate skin color , hate race going burn in hell! united states every race. land of free. if law stays best woman not "arrest hispanic" instead search in every single place. surprised see how many immigrants here not hispanic...please considerate. them have buildings, food in market, , more. second commandment in bible love neighbor yourself. matthew 22:39

i proud hispanic , hurts me see hatred people pour out against mexicans, specific. law "if hispanic, arrest them..." dumb because there canadian, cuban, african, european, asian , more immigrants!!! angers me people forget what...

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