I am looking for Information about a Service dog?
y!a isn't best place ask there few know they're talking about. i'm kirsten along soon. , both have service dogs , i'm sure add tell you.
first, need make sure qualify meeting ada's definition of disabled. ssa's definition , ada's not same , being qualified under 1 not automatically make qualified under other.
second, said have limited financial resources. need make sure can cover costs of feeding , vetting service dog. pet dogs, handlers of service dogs responsible cost associated dog. insurance not pay sds.
third, need figure out how want obtain dog. possible train own service dog, however, expensive , in order successful, must have great deal of experience training dogs on competition level. takes 18 mo - 2 years train dog.
other option apply program dog. need search psychiatric service dog programs. cost of program dog varies because larger, older programs tend have larger donation base , can offer dogs less. but, program, can fund raise money needed. cost few thousand or more, but, said above can fund raise.
i in need of information obtaining service dog psychiatric disorders: social anxiety; depression; agoraphobia. on disability limited finances real desire out , things. appreciate information possibility of getting service dog.
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