What makes art "pop art" ?
well, first of all, when think of pop art think things popular in culture @ time becoming subject matter. of time object mundane in nature. words, important can of campbell soup? me multiple imaging has making mundane object less important, , seems reference assembly line in making of product. it's image present in 1960's. business exuberant bragging on itself, , saw images of cans in row, running down assembly line. there other things going on in culture related multiple imaging syndrome, such "cookie cutter houses." personal signature , personality feeling lost because of growth of population , feeling 1 of multitude.
though know did art , can tell did it, @ time artists wanted art anonymous. added objectivity of work. , continued raise question "what art?"
i know pop art history , depicts things objects use , famous poeple. wanted little more clarification on how art piece can called pop art. ( guess requirments )
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