What is liberal arts?

major in liberal arts (where la major itself) generalist major includes of liberal arts. liberal arts of academic fields not vocational or applied professional. includes subjects such literature, languages, history, politics, sociology, psychology, math, sciences, geography, anthropology, music, art, theater, etc... not engineering, business, nursing, education, technology, computer science, etc... (applied professional)

major requires take many courses in each of core content areas (humanities, social sciences, sciences, arts) specialization , upper level courses in couple of areas.

incredibly broad degree not intended "get job" degree unless you're planning become elementary school teacher. is, in effect, major "in everything". according many in hr it's major "in nothing".

long time ago it's major rich people wouldn't needing job got in order educated , major sent daughters marry doctor or lawyer. it's major getting law school , many different master's degrees.

these days it's best suited 3 groups:

1) people won't needing job want become college educated
2) people have lot of college experience no degree - such military , missionary type folks don't stay put long enough in 1 place finish degree.
3) elementary school teachers

it's useful people know plan on multiple subject graduate degrees , need flexibility of major in liberal arts in order meet prerequisites in several subjects. in other cases, degree specific content area major more useful in employment market. in fact, major of liberal arts isn't employable @ all.

different "a liberal arts degree" (most degrees in liberal arts degree model take core content of general education , major) or degree in 1 of liberal arts (which specialized content degree such ba in english or bs in biology). think of ba in liberal arts "jack of trades, master of none" or lot river wide not deep.

note: it's major surprise people math , sciences liberal arts subjects.

im looking @ college majors , came across liberal arts. mean?

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