What does Mexican Senator Manuel Velasco mean illegals have allies to protect them from Americans?

mexican senator manuel velasco proposed country’s new head of national human rights commission ally himself international agencies “strive legal recognition of our fellow citizens work in united states.” said supporting undocumented mexicans granted confidence , calm millions of families in mexico in relatives in united states have allies protect them.

“we believe issue of human rights……must expand activities beyond national borders, , in particular beyond northern border, millions of our mexican brothers live , work under conditions undermine dignity.” added new ombudsman must firm in condemning fence being built on northern border, “the wall of shame,” in denouncing ”the humiliations our fellow citizens subjected american officials in border area.”

diario xalapa (xalapa, veracruz) 10/22/09

official comments on state of mexico migration figures

arnulfo valdivia, international affairs coordinator of state of mexico [note: not of country of mexico; 1 of country’s states called mexico] acknowledged 14,000 state residents emigrate “to other side” each year in search of better opportunities. [“the other side” common mexican slang expression when referring united states]

—————————— el universal (mexico city) 10/18/09

mexican senator manuel velasco proposed country’s new head of national human rights commission ally himself international agencies “strive legal recognition of our fellow citizens work in united states.” said supporting undocumented mexicans granted confidence and...

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