Does the American Financial collapse/erosion mirror its own Christian moral deficit?
maybe better teach our children skeptical when politicians , businessmen tell them can nothing, they'll know better. frankly, agree marx, said religion opiate of masses. detracts people looking out own best interest. consider bush administration (w.) elected because of right-wing values, not pro-business agenda, while in office pro-business agenda pushed forward. agenda hurt little guy - little guy reelected him in 2004 because of right-wing values. remember seeing many people out of work or slaving away @ low-paying jobs while rich getting richer, , thinking, "why aren't these guys voting change?" seriously, people supposed vote pocket book, these days vote religion, , it's killing all.
i propose bring bible school , workplace , have mandatory bible services.
answer our financial crisis , yet again looming collapse (with latest housing market report of 24% drop) inject america christian faith have been straying.
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